patterhn ives
St. Louis, Missouri
“If mutually isolated, tradition stagnates and modernity vaporizes; if joined, modernity breathes life into tradition and tradition responds by providing gravity and depth.”
— Octavio Paz
Situated at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, St. Louis is known in contemporary culture as the ‘Gateway to the West.’ As much as St. Louis marks a transition of longitude, Missouri marks one of latitude, commonly referred to as ‘the northernmost southern state.’ As such, St. Louis occupies a truly unique place in American culture, a crossroads that negotiates east and west, north and south; between the old and the new, between tradition and modernity. Our work is born out of a profound appreciation for and personal commitment to the beauty, vibrance, and rich complexity of this region’s identity as a critical geographic and cultural intersection. This deep history provides varied and dynamic influences along with distinct modern challenges. Ours is a pragmatic place, balanced by an optimistic spirit of adventure that is revealed in its architecture, both old and new. Building on this long legacy, we craft a meaningful dialogue between historic structures and thoughtful interventions that resonate to enrich the everyday experiences of the people and communities we serve. Working with the material and cultural traditions of our place not only conveys respect for the people and history here, but also maximizes architecture’s economic value, a necessary consideration everywhere, but especially here in middle America. Out of this, we seek a timeless spirit of place, using an economy of means to create a richness of meaning, one that ensures long lives for our buildings. Looking beyond our own lifetimes also calls us to environmental stewardship, sustainable design practices, and conservation of our natural resources, traits deeply ingrained in all great works of architecture and are inherent to good design practice. We are committed to design that exemplifies this philosophy, and design that is fundamentally rooted in its place.