The Raleigh Architecture Company

Raleigh, North Carolina


“The General Contractor is responsible for reviewing and coordinating their work with all drawings prior to installation. Omissions or conflicts between elements of the drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Architect and shall be resolved before proceeding.”   

— General Construction Notes, A000

The Raleigh Architecture Company operates in an architect led design-build method in conjunction with our partner company, The Raleigh Construction Company. As architects and builders, we engage in a constant collaboration to generate critical architectural responses specific to site, client, and budgetary means.

This unique position allows us to elevate each project by providing elemental, client inspired, cost specific solutions that celebrate, enhance, and satisfy their distinct design intent. The status quo built environment and craft expectations are transcended through direct subcontractor collaboration,  an intimate understanding of local fabrication resources, and employing builders with an architectural education.

Our names reflect a commitment to our evolving, exciting city and a desire to participate in the modernist design legacy of the immediate and regional American South. Our office and workshop is maintained under one roof in Raleigh’s downtown warehouse district. Designing from here and building on locale, our practice has completed a diverse range of project typologies and scales necessary to accommodate the holistic needs of a flourishing city and region.


Tall Architecture


unabridged Architecture